Which Query Engine?

Which Vizzly Query Engine?

Vizzly is incredibly flexible. For example, we offer 3 different Query Engines to generate results for your dashboard, because we know "1 size fits all" solutions are never optimal.

Data is made available on Vizzly dashboards through the concept of data sets. Each data set contains a collection of fields, and each Query Engine provides purpose-built tools for building these data sets in a way best suited to your setup, and to execute queries against these data sets.

Next, we will explore the different options available to you, to find the one that fits your requirements the best.


Our in-browser solution enables you to connect to your existing APIs or GraphQL endpoints and pull in all of a user's data into the browser where our unique JS Query Engine powers all of the results needed for the dashboard.

This approach is the most flexible if each user does not have much data to load into the browser. It also allows you to build completely custom data sets for each user if you require.

To start building with an In-browser Query Engine, create an "In-browser" project on your account.


Quickly provision a Vizzly Query Engine and connect it to your database. Note, using this method your customer's data will pass through Vizzly managed servers.

To start building with a Cloud Query Engine, create a "Cloud" project on your account.


Deploy the Vizzly Query Engine on your cloud infrastructure, to keep your customer data completely separate from Vizzly.

To start building with a Self-hosted Query Engine, create a "Self-hosted" project on your account.