
Delete Scheduled Report


To delete a scheduled report, you must first initiate the Vizzly SDK.

Initializing the Vizzly SDK

Ensure you have loaded the Vizzly package by following the prerequisite steps in our initializing guide.

If needed, you will also then be able to fetch the Vizzly instance using the following code.

const vizzly = Vizzly.use();


After initializing the services package, you can delete a scheduled report by setting the schedule to null.

const dashboardAccessToken: string = "<< Dashboard access token returned for each dashboard with write scope. >>";
const reportId: string = "<< ID of the report you want to delete >>";
const newCron: string | null = null;
await vizzly.updateScheduledReport(dashboardAccessToken, reportId, newCron)

Note; dashboardAccessToken is not the token created by your identity logic, instead it is the token returned after fetching dashboards.