Change log


New features

  • Released hidden fields, introducing the ability to pass data to onViewClick without the field showing in views
  • Released trend lines
    • Introduced the ability to forecast time-series charts based on historical data
    • Introduced the ability to show the average trend between data in time-series charts
  • Released dashboard variables, introducing the ability to pass customised variables into the dashboard component that can used in custom metrics and goal lines
  • Released export to XLSX option


  • Released the ability to insert new dashboard rows above any cell on dashboards
  • Released the ability to move dashboard rows up and down

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue with customViews overflowing the view container
  • Resolved an issue with extra long titles causing the verified tick to overflow the library cell container
  • Resolved an issue with PDF exports cutting off table header text when inheriting parent CSS
  • Resolved an issue with Mercator Maps in the view library
  • Resolved an issue with nested modals incorrectly closing