

To set the dashboard into developer mode, you can use the developerTools property. This will allow you to see the components of the dashboard that you can override, and discover the text that you can alter.

For example on a Ract implementation you will set;

  developerTools={{theme: true, }}
  // more props...

{theme: true}

This will show you the path within the theme object that you provide via the theme property.

{componentOverride: true}

This will show you the name of the property of the Dashboard, that you can specify to override a component on the Dashboard. For more information, see the component override documentation.

{viewRawResults: true}

This will add an option in the dropdown menu for each view on the dashboard, to show the underlying results for the view.

{viewRawAttributes: true}

This will add an option in the dropdown menu for each view on the dashboard, to show the raw attributes for a view on the dashboard.

Runtime usage

All developer tools can be enabled at runtime using the VizzlyDev window variable.

Enabling developer tools

  // componentOverride: true,
  // theme: true,
  // viewRawAttributes: true,
  // viewRawResults: true,

Viewing the current developer tool overrides


Clearing the runtime developer tools
