

The Vizzly Dashboard expects results to be returned in a certain structure, so that the data can be plotted on the components placed on the dashboard.


type RowOfValues = Array<string | string[] | number | Date | null>;
export type Result = Array<RowOfValues>;

Order of values

A Vizzly query defines a list of measures. The index of each measure should correspond to its value. This is how the Vizzly dashboard then reads the results.

Error handling

Errors are handled by simply returning null instead of the array of results.


Vizzly will run basic validation on your results based on the query that we sent. If things aren't working as expected, it is always worth checking the console output in the browser to see if there's a friendly validation error message waiting for you. If not, please get in-touch with our support team and we can work with you on debugging it.