Query engines and projects

Query engines and projects

Vizzly self-hosted projects will consist of one Query Engine that can be scaled horizontally within an environment such as local development, staging and live.

Query Engine Constants

The vizzly.env file contains certain environment variables which are used to setup the Query Engine for a given project. In most cases, you will not need to modify these values, but you are able too.


This environment variable VIZZLY_PROJECT_ID should never be changed once set, it links the Query Engine to a specific project.


The VIZZLY_ENCRYPTION_SECRET environment variable should remain the same for the lifetime of a project. It should only be changed if the secret itself becomes compromised.


New VIZZLY_PROJECT_API_KEY values can be generated for your project at any time on (opens in a new tab). This controls access to managing project level resources such as team members on a project level, and other general project settings.

Typically you will only need to update this value if the API key becomes compromised.


The initial value for the VIZZLY_PUBLIC_KEYS environment variable is the same value as the vizzly-public.pem file that is generated upon project creation.

The public key comes as a pair with a private key. You can regenerate the key pair using the CLI.

After generating a new key pair, you will need to add the public key to your project on (opens in a new tab) and also in the VIZZLY_PUBLIC_KEYS environment variable before switching over the private key used for the vizzly identity logic on your servers.