1. Initial setup

1. Setup container app

Open container app product

Navigate to the container app product on your Azure account, and start the setup wizard by clicking the "create" button

Open container app product

Fill out the "basics" section, by selecting properties such as the region where you want to deploy the Vizzly Query Engine too

Setup container properties

Define image properties to release on the app, and also provide the non-secretive values from your vizzly.env. Secrets include values such as encryption secrets and API keys.

Registry =
Image and tag = vizzly-co/query-engine:<< version you wish to deploy >>

Allow network access

Next, we need to allow network access for requests from the internet to reach our Vizzly Query Engine.

Review the setup

Review the properties you have set before clicking "Create".

Initial deploy in progress

Azure will then begin the deployment process.

Initial deploy complete

Once the deployment is complete, you will be given the option to click through to the created resource.

Copy app URL

From this page, you can then copy the URL that now points to your Vizzly Query Engine. In Vizzly terms, we call this the "Query Engine Endpoint".

Status page

When you visit the query engine endpoint, you will be redirected to the status page. This setup process is only partially complete because we need to create and add secrets to our deployed Vizzly Query Engine.

Next steps

Next, we need to create the secrets for our query engine! Follow on to the next page of the guide to achieve this!