Time zones

Timezone support

The Vizzly Query Engine is designed to abstract the complexities of handling dates and times across different time zones by deferring to the database's timezone settings. This approach ensures consistency and accuracy in date-time data management and operations.

Key features

  • Timezone Consistency: Leverages the database's timezone settings to ensure uniformity across all date-time operations regardless of where the Query Engine is deployed.
  • Simplified Date Handling: Abstracts the complexity of timezone conversions from the application layer, reducing potential errors when deploying in a multi-region environment.
  • Enhanced Performance: Utilizes the database's optimized date-time functions and indexes.

Converting time zones

Vizzly's query engine provides a parameter ({{ timeZone }}) that can be interpolated into your SQL backed data sets, SQL snippet fields and SQL views. This is an IANA timezone identifier (opens in a new tab) that can be used to convert your dates into a specific timezone as part of a query.

By default this timeZone value is Etc/UTC, but it can be configured on the dashboard by setting the timeZone property