This property allows you to only allow certain views to be used on the dashboard.
Currently, the available views are;
Name | ID |
Column chart | barChart |
Bubble chart | bubbleChart |
Horizontal bar chart | horizontalBarChart |
Funnel chart | funnelChart |
Area chart | areaChart |
Area chart V2 | areaChartV2 |
Line chart | lineChart |
Line chart V2 | lineChartV2 |
Bar chart V2 | barChartV2 |
Combo chart v2 | comboChartV2 |
Scatter chart | scatterChart |
Pie chart | pieChart |
Sunburst chart | sunburstChart |
Single stat | singleStat |
Pivot table | dataTable |
Basic table | basicTable |
Combo chart | comboChart |
Country map | mercatorMap |
Progress | progress |
Rich text | richText |
Waterfall chart | waterfallChart |
Radar chart | radarChart |
For example, you might have;
includeComponents={['barChart', 'areaChart', 'dataTable']}
// ... rest of the props