

This property allows you to only allow certain views to be used on the dashboard.

Currently, the available views are;

Column chartbarChart
Bubble chartbubbleChart
Horizontal bar charthorizontalBarChart
Funnel chartfunnelChart
Area chartareaChart
Area chart V2areaChartV2
Line chartlineChart
Line chart V2lineChartV2
Bar chart V2barChartV2
Combo chart v2comboChartV2
Scatter chartscatterChart
Pie chartpieChart
Sunburst chartsunburstChart
Single statsingleStat
Pivot tabledataTable
Basic tablebasicTable
Combo chartcomboChart
Country mapmercatorMap
Rich textrichText
Waterfall chartwaterfallChart
Radar chartradarChart

For example, you might have;

  includeComponents={['barChart', 'areaChart', 'dataTable']}
  // ... rest of the props