
forms is an object within the theme property for overriding label, input, select, and dateTime picker styles.


label elements are used to describe form elements.

  // ...
    forms: {
      label: {
        color: "#374151",
        fontWeight: 500,


input elements are used to collect information.

  // ...
    forms: {
      input: {
        border: "2px #dbdcdf solid",
        borderRadius: "8px",
        padding: "7.5px 1rem",


select elements are used to show dropdowns.

  // ...
    forms: {
      select: {
        border: "2px #dbdcdf solid",
        borderRadius: "8px",
        padding: "7px 0 7px 1rem",

DateTime Pickers

dateTime pickers are used to select dates and times.

  // ...
    forms: {
      dateTime: {
        date: {
          width: "96px",
        time: {
          width: "48px",
        calendar: {
          selected: {
            background: "#3074d9",
            border: "0",
            color: "#fff",
Date Picker ·

Default Values

import Vizzly, { type VizzlyTheming } from "@vizzly/dashboard"
export function Dashboard() {
  const theme: VizzlyTheming.Base = {
    forms: {
      // Default Values
      label: {
        color: "#374151",
        fontFamily: "inherit",
        fontSize: "14px",
        fontWeight: 500,
        lineHeight: 1.15,
        margin: "0 0 0.3rem 0",
      input: {
        background: "#fff",
        border: "2px #dbdcdf solid",
        borderRadius: "8px",
        boxShadow: "unset",
        color: "#374151",
        fontSize: "14px",
        fontWeight: 400,
        padding: "7.5px 1rem",
        "&:focus": {
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
          boxShadow: "unset",
        "&:hover": {
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
          boxShadow: "unset",
        "&:focus:hover": {
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
          boxShadow: "unset",
      select: {
        background: "#fff",
        border: "2px #dbdcdf solid",
        borderRadius: "8px",
        boxShadow: "unset",
        color: "#374151",
        fontSize: "14px",
        fontWeight: 400,
        padding: "7px 0 7px 1rem",
        indicatorColor: "#374151",
        "&:focus": {
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
          boxShadow: "unset",
        "&:hover": {
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
          boxShadow: "unset",
        "&:focus:hover": {
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
          boxShadow: "unset",
      dateTime: {
        input: {
          // Applied to all 4 inputs (Start date, Time, End date, Time)
          background: "#fff",
          border: "2px #dbdcdf solid",
          borderRadius: "8px",
          boxShadow: "unset",
          color: "#374151",
          fontSize: "14px",
          fontWeight: 400,
          // Time inputs have 0 padding left/right by default
          padding: "0.26rem 0.5rem",
          "&:focus": {
            background: "#fff",
            border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
            boxShadow: "unset",
          "&:hover": {
            background: "#fff",
            border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
            boxShadow: "unset",
          "&:focus:hover": {
            background: "#fff",
            border: "2px #e0f2ff solid",
            boxShadow: "unset",
        date: {
          width: "96px",
        time: {
          width: "48px",
        calendar: {
          title: {
            color: "#374151",
            fontFamily: "inherit",
            fontSize: 16,
            lineHeight: 1.15,
          selected: {
            background: "#3074d9",
            border: "0",
            color: "#fff",
          unselected: {
            background: "transparent",
            color: "inherit",
            border: "1px solid #c9d1d9",
            "&:hover": {
              background: "#e4e7e7",
              border: "1px solid #e4e7e7",
              color: "inherit",
          arrows: {
            background: "transparent",
            border: "1px solid #e4e7e7",
            borderRadius: "8px",
            fill: "#374151",
            "&:hover": {
              background: "#e9ebf0",
              border: "1px solid #c4c4c4",
        // Arrow color between start and end date/time
        indicatorColor: "#374151",
  return (
      // ...