Remote Config

Remote config endpoint

The Vizzly Query Engine can be set up to fetch a config from a remote location on a per-user basis.

The endpoint that you define will return a full Vizzly config as the JSON response body.

Define the endpoint

You can set the VIZZLY_REMOTE_CONFIG_ENDPOINT environment variable on the Vizzly Query Engine. The value should be an absolute URL where we can fetch the Vizzly Config from.

For example


Providing an auth token

The query engine will forward any value received in the request header Auth-Remote-Config-Token to your endpoint in an Authorization request header.

You can use the advanced usage of the queryEngineEndpoint property to this header. By setting the Auth-Remote-Config-Token header in the customHeaders section you will be able to provide tokens that authorize requests to your remote config endpoint for specific users and remote user-specific configs.

For example

    // URL of the your Query Engine
    endpoint: '',
    customHeaders: () => ({
      'Auth-Remote-Config-Token': << TOKEN >>,
  // Other react dashboard props...

Where << TOKEN >> is any string token you wish to identify a user and grant access to a dynamic config from your remote endpoint.

Building the remote config endpoint

Finally, we need to return a Vizzly config from a GET request sent to your remote config endpoint. Typically this endpoint will reside on your API where you can perform the following steps;

  1. Validate the user access token sent in the Authorization header.
  2. Using your internal systems, understand which data sets need to be built, and the fields in each.
  3. Build the Vizzly config containing these data sets.
  4. Return the Vizzly config as the content of the response body with the application/json content type response header.