
If you would prefer to generate the JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) in your codebase, we have provided the definitions for each access token here in typescript notation.

Some of the concepts used here will be explained in the Vizzly Config

Dashboard access token

Dashboard token claims example
  "accessType": "standard",
  "projectId": "prj_abc",
  "userReference": "user 123456",
  "scope": "read_write",
  "parentDashboardIds": [
  "expires": "2024-03-06T20:49:28.748Z"

Data access token

Data token claims example
  "projectId": "prj_abc",
  "dataSetIds": "*",
  "secureFilters": {
      "data set id 1": [
          "field": "user_id",
          "op": "=",
          "value": 88230,
  "parameters": {},
  "expires": "2024-03-06T20:49:28.746Z"

Query engine access token (optional)

OptionalSelf-hosted Query EngineAdvanced

It should only be generated with truthy values if the current user is in the engineering department and is permitted access to the Config Manager.

Query engine access token claims example
  "projectId": "prj_abc",
  "allowDatabaseSchemaAccess": true,
  "allowDataPreviewAccess": true,
  "expires": "2024-03-06T20:49:28.749Z"